Final Thoughts
28 strangers met in Haarlem on June 2nd, 2024, not truly knowing the adventure that was before them. We saw awe-inspiring landscapes, buildings, and artwork. We explored Venetian alleyways, rode Swiss gondolas, and braved public transportation. We immersed ourselves in the local culture, experienced local cuisine, and attempted to communicate in four different languages. We stepped out of our comfort zone in a big way and in the end became better people. We expanded our minds and discovered, through all the differences, we're all the same-we’re all humans, only divided by land and water.
After many years of dreaming of going to Europe, I'm still in awe that I was there for over 3 weeks and experienced so much!! There are so many more amazing places I still want to see and experience. The Best of Europe 21-day trip gives a sampling of some magnificent places, so you can decide where you want to return to and explore more. We don't have Two Blank Passports anymore! We're ready to start planning our next Rick Steves trip and fill up those passports!!

*Review the tour itinerary and have a general plan of what you want to do during your free time. Obviously, some of the most popular places will require reservations a few weeks in advance, so plan ahead.
*Before you go, download the Rick Steves Audio Europe app or the mp3s for guided tours and maps of different places.
*I enrolled in my cell phone company’s international pass for a month which allowed me to make unlimited calls and texts and have high-speed data without roaming fees.
*Leave a copy of your itinerary, hotels, and passports with someone back home in case of an emergency.
*Do yourself a favor before the trip, look at the last few pages of the RS book you received and practice some basic words/phrases in the languages of the countries you'll visit. I missed this important step and was not prepared, which caused a lot of anxiety. For me, that was the most stressful part of the trip because I had to learn 4 different languages for the first time during the trip. I was in their country, they shouldn't have to speak my language. I tried hard not to be that tourist.
*Carry a few Euros with you because most of the public restrooms charge 1-2 Euros to use.
*Use the time on the bus to review things to do and see at the next destination, brush up on your language skills, or just rest up for the next adventure.
*Physically prepare yourself for walking and being on your feet a lot. Some days are exhausting (I’m talking about you, Amsterdam and Rome).
*And remember...You don't have to see EVERY sight/attraction and fill your day with so many activities that you’ll need a vacation from your vacation. You can just stroll the streets and take in the beauty of the buildings, nature, and culture. Or just sit in a sidewalk cafe with a cappuccino and watch people live their lives and relish in the fact that you’re really here!
"Give yourself permission to skip the things that don't move you. Go find something that moves you."
Robyn Stencil from the Rick Steves Team